Hometown: Denver, Colorado

Current City: Austin, Texas

Favorite Pose: Eagle (Garudasana)

Favorite Place to Practice: under a beautiful live oak tree in the park near my house

Favorite Flow Song: XO by Beyonce

Yogi Essentials: my Nike mat, a cold water bottle and a good mat towel.


I started practicing yoga in 2010 and was instantly hooked. A long medical history left me with a damaged diaphragm that made most exercise exceptionally miserable. My first yoga class was an accessible challenge that build up my strength and my confidence. I'm a now a runner, yogi and general fitness junkie. I completed my teacher training in the spring of 2014 and I'm thrilled to be able to share my passion for yoga, health and joy with you.

Most of my yoga inspiration comes from own life and experience. I love upbeat music (cue the Beyonce) and always bring a modern twist to my playlists. I'm an avid runner so my hamstrings and hips constantly being stretched. I work a traditional 9-5 job that I love but sitting at a computer all day isn't the best for your neck, back or shoulders. Yoga has been a way to bring all areas of my life to confines of the four corners of my mat. As a student and as a teacher, I'm always learning. Namaste, y'all!